CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum
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8:30 签到
9:00 论坛开始
特邀讲者:许庆贤 台湾中华大学教授
演讲题目:High-Performance Computing: From Clouds to Big Data
特邀讲者:黄崇明 台湾国立成功大学特级教授
演讲题目:Video Streaming for Internet Of Vehicle (IOV): Perspectives and Challenges for Software Defined Networks (SDN)
特邀讲者:容淳铭 挪威Stavanger大学教授(Fellow)
演讲题目:Reliable and Secure Services using Big-data
报名方式; Mobile: 15080025921
特邀讲者许庆贤 Toward an Architecture for Big Data Analytics
Professor Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu is a professor in department of computer science and information engineering at Chung Hua University, Taiwan; and distinguished chair professor in school of computer and communication engineering at Tianjin University of Technology, China. His research includes high performance computing, cloud computing, parallel and distributed systems, ubiquitous/pervasive computing and intelligence. He has published 200 papers in refereed journals, conference proceedings and book chapters in these areas.
Dr. Hsu is the editor-in-chief of international journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, and international journal of Big Data Intelligence; and serving as editorial board for a number of prestigious journals, including IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, etc. He has been acting as an author/co-author or an editor/co-editor of 10 books from Springer, IGI Global, World Scientific and McGraw-Hill. He has also edited a number of special issues at top journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE System Journal, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Supercomputing, International Journal of Communication Systems, Automated Software Engineering, Journal of System Architecture, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, The Knowledge Engineering Review, Internet Research, Information System Frontiers, etc.
He was awarded eight times distinguished award for excellence in research and annual outstanding research award through 2005 to 2014 from Chung Hua University. He has been serving as executive committee of Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing (TACC) from 2008-2012; executive committee of the IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable Computing (2008-2012); supervisor of IET Taiwan (2014-present). He is elected member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic honor society; IEEE senior member; regional director of the Future Technology Research Association (FTRA); and standing director of Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing (TACC).
特邀讲者 黄崇明 Video Streaming for Internet Of Vehicle (IOV): Perspectives and Challenges for Software Defined Networks (SDN)
Chung-Ming Huang received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University on 1984/6, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer and information science from The Ohio State University on 1988/12 and 1991/6. He is a Distinguished Professor of Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. He is The Director of the Promotion Center for the Network Applications and Services Platform Technology Consortium (PC-NASPTC), Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan, R.O.C. He was (i) Chair of Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering and Director of Institute of Medical Informatics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, R.O.C. and (ii) Principal Project Reviewer of Industrial Development Bureau and Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan, R.O.C. He has been Guest-Editors of some special issues in some international journals. He was the General Chair of 2009 International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Network (I-SPAN 2009); he also served as Program Chair or Vice Program Chair of some international conferences. He has published more than 300 referred journal and conference papers in wireless and mobile communication protocols, interactive multimedia systems, audio and video streaming and formal modeling of communication protocols. His research interests include Wireless and Mobile Network Protocol Design and Analysis, Green Computing and Communication, Media Processing and Streaming, and Innovative Network Applications and Services. He likes travelling. He has been to 46 countries. He collects key chains and T-shirts. Currently, he has 1827 key chains and 324 T-shirts that were purchased world-widely (2014/4/20).
特邀讲者 容淳铭 Reliable and Secure Services using Big-data
Prof. Chunming Rong is head of the Center for IP-based Service Innovation (CIPSI) at the University of Stavanger (UiS) in Norway. The CIPSI has the mission to promote cross-fertilization between several research fields to facilitate design and delivery of large-scale and complex IP-based services required by many application areas. He is also visiting chair professor at Tsinghua University (2011 – 2013) and served also as an adjunct professor at the University of Oslo 2005-2009. He spent one sabbatical year as visiting professor at the Stanford University 2009-2010. His research interests include cloud computing, big data analysis, security and privacy.He is co-founder and chairman of the Cloud Computing Association ( and its associated conference and workshop series. He is member of the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative, and member of Cloud Publications Steering Committee, and IEEE Study Group on Cloud Standard and co-chairs the IEEE Technical Area of Cloud Computing, in TCSC (Technical Committee on Scalable Computing). He is the co-Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Cloud Computing by Springer. He received award Editor's Choice in Discrete Mathematics in 1999. He coauthored a book titled \"Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks\" published by John Wiley & Sons in 2009. Prof. Rong has extensive experience in managing R&D projects funded by both industry and funding agencies, such as the Norwegian Research Council and the EU Framework Programs. He has published over 110 international journal and conference papers.
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