

来源:     发布日期:2022-09-17    浏览次数:


职称 教授

职务 博士生导师

研究方向: 机器学习、计算机视觉、系统辨识



联系电话: 185****3946

       陈光永,1989年生,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师,beat365亚洲体育在线旗山学者。主要研究方向为:计算机视觉、智能医学图像分析机器学习优化方法、系统辨识等。主持科研项目3项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、福建省自然科学基金面上项目1项。以第一/通讯作者在国际知名刊物IEEE TAC、TPAMI、TIP、TNNLS、TIM等上发表论文四十余篇。


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,62173091,一类非线性模型的在线变量投影算法及其应用研究,2022/01-2025/12, 58万元,在研,主持。

[2] 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2023J01130035, 2023/01-2015/12, 10万元, 在研,主持。

[3] beat365亚洲体育在线旗山学者科研项目,GXRC-22014,2022/01-2025/12,30万元,在研,主持。


[1] Guang-Yong Chen陈光永, Xiang-Xiang Su; Min Gan; Wenzhong Guo; C. L. Philip Chen; Robust Variable Projection Algorithm for The Identification of Separable Nonlinear Models, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, in press. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3376315(中科院一区SCI期刊论文,自动化领域旗舰刊物,IF: 6.8)

[2] Guang-Yong Chen陈光永, Min Gan, Jing Chen, and Long Chen. Embedded Point Iteration Based Recursive Algorithm for Online Identification of Nonlinear Regression Models. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023, 68(7): 4257-4264. 中科院一区SCI期刊论文,自动化领域旗舰刊物,IF: 6.8

[3] Jian-Nan Su, Min Gan, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), Jia-Li Yin, and C. L. Philip Chen. Global Learnable Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2023, 45(7): 8453-8465. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,CCF-A期刊,IF: 23.6)

[4] Guang-Yong Chen(陈光永), Wu-Ding Weng, Jian-Nan Su, Min Gan, CL Philip Chen. Dynamic Degradation Intensity Estimation for Adaptive Blind Super-Resolution: A Novel Approach and Benchmark Dataset. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2023, in press. DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3331883. (中科院一SCI期刊论文,IF: 8.4)

[5] Jian-Nan Su, Min Gan, Guang-Yong Chen(陈光永, 通讯作者), Wenzhong Guo, CL Philip Chen. High-Similarity-Pass Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2023, in press. DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2023.3348293. (中科院一SCI期刊论文,CCF-A,IF: 10.6)

[6] Guang-Yong Chen(陈光永), Hui-Lang Xu, Min Gan, C. L. Philip Chen. A Variable Projection-Based Algorithm for Fault Detection and Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, in press. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3298636. (中科院二区SCI期刊论文,IF:5.6)

[7] Guang-Yong Chen(陈光永),Min Gan, and C. L. Philip Chen. Online identification of nonlinear system with separable structure. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022, in press. DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3215756. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 14.255)

[8] Guang-Yong Chen(陈光永), Min Gan, C. L. Philip Chen, Hong-Tao Zhu, and Long Chen. Frequency Principle in Broad Learning System. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022, 33(11): 6983- 6989中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 14.255

[9] Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永), Min Gan, Hong-Tao Zhu, Long Chen, C. L. Philip Chen. An Iterative Implementation of Variable Projection for Separable Nonlinear Optimization Problems. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52(11): 7259-7267. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 13.451)

[10] Min Gan, Hong-Tao Zhu, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), C. L. Philip Chen. Weighted Generalized Cross Validation Based Regularization for Broad Learning System. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52(5): 4064-4072. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 11.448)

[11] Long Chen, Jia-Bing Chen, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), Min Gan, and C. L. Philip Chen. Nuisance Parameter Estimation Algorithms for Separable Nonlinear Models. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52(11): 7236-7247. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 13.451) 

[12] Jia Chen, Min Gan, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), C. L. Philip Chen. Constrained Variable Projection Optimization for Stationary RBF-AR Models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 202252(3): 1882-1890. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 13.451)

[13] Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永), Min Gan, C. L. Philip Chen, and Han-Xiong Li. Basis Function Matrix based Flexible Coefficient Autoregressive Models: A Framework for Time Series and Nonlinear System Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021, 51(2): 614-623. 中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 11.448

[14] Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永), Min Gan, Shu-Qiang Wang, and C. L. Philip Chen. Insights into algorithms for separable nonlinear least squares problems. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021, 30: 1207-1218.  (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,CCF-A期刊,IF: 9.34)

[15] Min Gan, Yu Guan, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), C. L. Philip Chen. Recursive Variable Projection Algorithm for a Class of Separable Nonlinear Models. IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, 2021, 32(11): 4971 - 4982. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 10.451)

[16] Min Gan, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), Long Chen, C. L. Philip Chen. Term Selection for a Class of Separable Nonlinear Models. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2020, 31(2), 445-451.中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 10.451

[17] Guang-Yong Chen(陈光永), Min Gan, Feng Ding, C. L. Philip Chen. Modified Gram-Schmidt Method-Based Variable Projection Algorithm for Separable Nonlinear problems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2019, 30(8): 2410-2418.中科院一区SCI期刊论文,IF: 10.451

[18]  Guang-Yong Chen(陈光永), Min Gan, C. L. Philip Chen, Han-Xiong Li. A Regularized Variable Projection Algorithm for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control2019, 64(2): 526-537. (中科院一区SCI期刊论文,自动化领域旗舰刊物,IF: 6.8)

[19] Min Gan, Xiao Xian Chen, Feng Ding, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), and C. L. Philip Chen. Adaptive RBF-AR Models Based on Multi-innovation Least Squares Method. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2019, 26(8): 1182-1186. (中科院二区SCI期刊论文,IF: 3.9)

[20] Min Gan, Guang-Yong Chen (陈光永,通讯作者), and C. L. Philip Chen. On Some Separated Algorithms for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, 48(10): 2866-2874.(中科院一区SCI期刊论文, IF: 11.448)
